Weaver Mountains Firewise® Communities
We are proud to announce the establishment of three Firewise® Communities in the Weaver Mountains Region.

Buckhorn Legacy Committee - Received NFPA Firewise® Re-Certification in November 2023
Ray Paiz - chair: raypaiz@peeplesvalleyfire.org
Kelley Paiz
Chris Eaton
Jim Deaton
Roy Rose
Ruger Ranch Committee - Received NFPA Firewise® Certification in March 1, 2024
Grey Stafford - chair: greystafford@peeplesvalleyfire.org
Neil Rifenbark
Karen Stafford
Gerald Montgomery
Peeples Valley Committee
Lew Theokas - chair: lewtheokas@peeplesvalleyfire.org
Macie Theokas
Robert Brandon
Bethany Strickland
Karen Powell
Chris Powell